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In 8 minutes and 26 seconds…

Here’s my contribution to the holiday.

Student Prompt: What would you do if a giant panda let all of the animals out of the zoo?

I’ve always wanted to ride an elephant. If this giant panda of anarchy freed all of the animals, I would find the elephant. I don’t think it would be a long hunt, because an elephant in the city is like, well… an elephant in the city. Conspicuous.

Once I found this elephant, lets call him Leroy, I think we would just magically get along. I would find that I happen to posses an uncanny knack for taming elephants, a skill I never knew I had until it suddenly became crucial. Leroy would do one of those graceful elephant kneels, I would hop up on his back, and we’d be off in the city.

Having been cooped up in the zoo all his life, I’m sure Leroy would be interested to see the sights. We’d make our way down the lakefront trail, taking care not to squish the runners, stopping here and there to cool off in the water, and eventually head west toward Millennium Park. Leroy would want to see the bean. Everyone wants to see the bean. Then we’d end up at the Art Institute and have a lovely afternoon taking in the art.


2 thoughts on “In 8 minutes and 26 seconds…

  1. It is true, everyone DOES want to see The Bean, magical elephants named Leroy not excluded!

    great story!

    Posted by Carl G.Wiley | August 31, 2011, 1:39 PM
  2. Leroy seems to be the kind of elephant who would want a wonderful friend like Allison with whom to hang out.

    Posted by Popo | September 6, 2011, 8:09 PM

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I'm an alternative educator interested in revolutionizing the role that museums and community arts non-profits play in the formal education system. If you'd like to learn more, click on my picture!


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